Marketplace Home Mortgage

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Fall & Halloween Ideas for Real Estate Agents

        It is that beautiful time of year again! When the air is crisp, the leaves are vibrant and bright, it is time to wear sweaters and cozy up to the fire, it is time to bake pumpkin pie and drink warm cups of apple cider. It is officially fall! Here are some great ideas to use the beauty of fall and the fun of Halloween in your Real Estate business.
·        Give pumpkins to clients – or give them to all the kids in the house and have them carve/decorate them and send you back pictures. Then hang them in your office, put them in your newsletter, post them on Facebook – great marketing!

·        Dress up as a Realtor – have young kids you are trick or treating with? Dress up as a Realtor, so when people ask who you are, you can say you are actually a Realtor at Keller Williams and pass out your card.

·        Cards & Candy – when you pass out candy to the neighbor kids, attach your card to the King Size candy bars you pass out – you will be the talk of the town! Or attach a coupon for a “Free Market Analysis”.

·        Halloween Card or Email – Holidays are a great time to have a reason to reach out or send direct mail. Here are some great card or email ideas:
  • “Keep Your House Looking Like A Haunted House to Potential Buyers” Remind clients to look at the outside of their home from the perspective of a potential buyer and to not forget about curb appeal.
  • “The Housing Market Doesn't Have to Be Scary” Let them know you will be there to help them and give them your information. Then attach some tips for safe trick-or-treating. You will end up on their fridge!
·        Post – Make sure you wish your friends and followers on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, your Blog, etc. a happy fall and/or Halloween. You have stuff to post and blog about all month – great fall recipies, costume ideas, fall decorating ideas, I could go on!

Have a safe and happy Halloween! 

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